Parkingware probleemoplossing cyclus
waar staat het proces stil?The moment when the recognition process starts is determined by a signal called the trigger signal. The triggering is provided by a loop detector/sensor (PDL Presence Detection Loop) that is located 2 to 3 meters in front of the barrier under the roadway
When there is a vehicle on the detection loop, the license plate reader will make an image of the license plate in front of the gate (barrier, speed gate or fencing).
The recognition process will take an average of 1 to 2 seconds. With foreign license plates, this may take a little longer.
The system compares the license plate with a database containing all license plates that may have access to the site. If no match is found, the vehicle will not be allowed access to the site.
The moment the barrier opens, the vehicle can drive through, this works with loop detection. If the vehicle drives under the barrier, the barrier cannot be lowered, if the vehicle has passed the loop detector, the barrier closes again and the license plate is checked in or out in the system
If the vehicle has been given access to the site, the license plate number is stored. You can find all transactions on the web portal.
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